FRAMNAT na konferenciji TMTMICEECS, Lovran (Hrvatska)

Članovi istraživačkog tima FRAMNAT predstavili su svoja istraživanja ovog tjedna u Lovranu (Hrvatska), u sklopu međunarodne konferencije Theorizing Myth, Trauma and Memory in Central and East European Cultural Spaces (25. – 27. rujna 2015.).

17.30-19.30 Chair: Tanja Petrović (Ljubljana)

Vjeran Pavlaković (Rijeka): Framing the Nation and Contested Narratives: Commemorating Antifascist Uprisings in Croatia

Benedikt Perak (Rijeka): Framing the Nation and Collective Identity in Croatia: Discourse analysis of the profiling of cultural Models and affective experience in the discourse of Commemorative Speeches

Renato Stanković (Rijeka): Framing the Nation: A view on local memory politics in Croatia